

Taught the following courses as Teaching Assistant at UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles:

  • 1st year Bachelor:

    • Statistique descriptive et probabilités (ECGE1132): 2018-2020

  • 2nd year Bachelor:

    • Statistique appliquée (ECGE1232): 2018-2020

Reference book: Mathematical Statistics with Application (Wackerly, D., Mendenhall, W., and Scheaffer, R.)

    • Statistique approfondie (INGE1231): 2018-2019

Reference book: Mathematical Statistics with Application (Wackerly, D., Mendenhall, W., and Scheaffer, R.)

  • 3rd year Bachelor:

    • Econométrie (ECGE1330): 2018-2020, 2022-2023

Reference book: Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach (Jeffrey M. Wooldridge)

Supervised and graded group works for the course Econométrie (ECGE1330).

Partly designed and graded exams for the courses Statistique descriptive et probabilités (ECGE1132), Statistique appliquée (ECGE1232) and Statistique approfondie (INGE1231).